Cute as a mf
Bloody awesome!
Thank you dude!
Fun fact 2 is pretty cool knowledge. It's something I would say to my future kids.
I'm glad to read this^^
I will do the same to my future kid and let's hope they can see these majestic creatures since many shark species are endangered. A personal dream of mine is to swim among reef coral sharks. I love these animals and they don't deserve to be treated the way they are.
fun and wholesome fact 3: Peter Bradford Benchley, the writer of novel Jaws and co-writer of the movie adaptation, expressed some regret for his writing about sharks, which he felt indulged already present fear and false belief about sharks, and he became an advocate for marine conservation.
This is the opposite of taking a cyanide pill, you drink a Monster energy before you commit murder.
Him equipped with a gun, made it 10x better! Otherwise, this piece looks great!
Thanks! I agree, guns are a coolness multiplier, especially a blunderbuss
Pump n' dump women and then caught feelings. Bruh.
Manhunt 1's baseball bat gruesome execution!
bro!!!! imagine that game coming out nowadays LOOOL it would never happen hahaah thanks for checking out my drawing :)
There might be a possibility that they are real!
Maybe somewhere in the Kansai region, the limited Osaka Tamagotchi might be found...
The A is not short for Atomic, it's short for Assblaster.
I mostly draw original stuff.
I dabble in fan art whenever I feel like it.
Banner by @Wurzap
Croc Hunter
A pod of hippos.
Joined on 1/1/24